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Arts and society

Music, fine arts, dance, theater – Fondation de France supports all of the creative arts! Its goal is not only to encourage young artists, but also to make culture more accessible and more responsive to citizens’ needs.

Art and culture at the foundation of our society

Fondation de France works to make culture accessible to everyone, and to encourage young artists in every artistic discipline, including graphic arts, fine arts, music and literature.

In 2020, during the health crisis, the culture sector came to a halt. Many artists and creators found themselves without resources, and citizens had no access to culture. To help them face this challenge, Fondation de France set up a fund to help young artists – whether students or graduates – in the fine arts, dance, music and cinema. It also created an emergency fund for older artists in difficulty.

Today, while we are seeing the beginning of a return to normalcy, it is still essential to support the arts. Culture is a powerful vector for social cohesion. It transmits knowledge and understanding, and encourages cooperation between creative artists and local populations. Culture also helps us imagine and build the world of tomorrow, asking us to examine our relationship to space, or to nature, for example. In this way, culture fosters a more just and inclusive society.

In 2021, the Arts and Society program continues its support of:

  • Patron of the Arts program Nouveaux commanditaires, currently running in France and Europe. This project allows citizens to sponsor a work of art that addresses a social or regional issue;
  • the IADU (Urban Dance Initiative), in partnership with a public venue, Parc de la Villette. This program aims to help dancers and choreographers working in this discipline (hip-hop and street dance in all its forms) to advance their professional careers. Assistance comes in many forms, such as training, production, publicity and networking;
  • the “Switch (on Paper)” platform, which analyzes society through the prism of art. At the end of March 2020, the platform adapted its editorial policy, with new content linked to the pandemic.

The program has also committed to key change stakeholders in nonprofits that play an important role in cultural mediation. Facing difficulties due to the health crisis, these nonprofits serve an important social, educational and societal function in the regions where they operateOften working with other institutions and actors in other domains, they are aware of the needs of the local population and can act accordingly.


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Performing arts: Curtain up!

Emotions, sharing, direct communication –whether it’s dance, theater, or circus, live performance is a unique experience. Since financing has always been an issue, what will happen to the performing arts in an “all-digital” world? Several of Fondation de France’s donor-advised funds have mobilized to preserve and encourage these disciplines.

Such as the Fondation Cléo Thiberge-Edrom, which supports dance projects, or foundations that support the works of great authors, like the Fondation Jean et Jean-Pierre Giraudoux. The Fondation pour La Comédie-Française funds both new productions and foreign tours, as well as educational projects and conservation work for the written and architectural heritage of the “house of Molière.” The Fondation Scène et Cité takes yet another approach, supporting new works and developing theater spaces to create links between social and cultural issues.


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Food – better production and consumption for humans and the planet


From field to fork, agriculture practices and food consumption face huge challenges. With climate and biodiversity issues looming, production and distribution models must reduce their negative impact on the environment. The pandemic has shown just how precarious our global food system really is. Some countries are experiencing food poverty whereas in others, the danger lies in waste and junk food!

The pandemic also revealed the very close links between natural ecosystems and the way we live, especially regarding agriculture. It is now critical to design new models for sustainable production and food, by preferring systems that are mindful of both nature and humans.

This transition can now happen. Since 2013, Fondation de France and Daniel et Nina Carasso donor-advised fund have joined forces to develop action-research projects. The objective is to encourage another kind of agriculture. This entails fresh thinking on the link between land and humans and the way in which agriculture impacts ecosystems, natural resources and climate, not forgetting food and the part played by producers and consumers.

The program has supported nearly 100 action-research projects, testing and developing new agroecological and food models, based on two criteria:

  • involvement: the ability to leverage input from local producers, and consumers as citizens and researchers, to build and implement solutions;
  • sustainability: projects that incorporate an assessment of innovation, an explanation of the methods offered and the dissemination of results.

At the same time, during the pandemic-induced lockdown, producers, consumers, nonprofits and local authorities developed initiatives to promote shorter transport routes, encouraging consumers to act responsibly, with a more balanced relationship with producers. Fondation de France supports this work and keeps track of projects and experiences shared, so that they can be reproduced, as it firmly believes that citizens are central to ecological transition.

Trees are the future of agriculture!

Fondation de France also supports the development of research and experimentation in agroforestry. This practice consists in combining trees, hedges, crops and livestock all in one plot. Preserving groundwater tables, fertilizing soil, checking diseases and pests, developing microclimates and protecting species are some of the many advantages of agroforestry.

Having supported scientific research via the funding of doctorates and postdocs, in 2018, Fondation de France started supporting more operational action-research and participative research projects focused on experimentation. These projects are based on close collaboration between research labs and grassroots actors such as farmers, citizens and local community leaders.



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Call for projects

Fondation de France and Daniel et Nina Carasso donor-advised fund support the agroecological transition of all the forms of agriculture in France, Europe and further afield.

Let’s help middle schoolers get ahead!

Fondation de France and Daniel et Nina Carasso donor-advised fund have set up an action-research project focusing on the synergies among ecosystems, agriculture and food.

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Vivre ses choix jusqu’à la fin de sa vie

The agricultural sector, like certain agri-food sectors, is going through a period of economic and social crisis, reflecting a profound change in the methods of agricultural production, food processing and consumption.

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Call for projects

Fondation de France and Daniel et Nina Carasso donor-advised fund support the agroecological transition of all the forms of agriculture in France, Europe and further afield.

Let’s help middle schoolers get ahead!

Fondation de France and Daniel et Nina Carasso donor-advised fund have set up an action-research project focusing on the synergies among ecosystems, agriculture and food.

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Vivre ses choix jusqu’à la fin de sa vie

The agricultural sector, like certain agri-food sectors, is going through a period of economic and social crisis, reflecting a profound change in the methods of agricultural production, food processing and consumption.

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Culture for all


The health crisis has had a major impact on the culture sector. An estimated one half of all cultural institutions are at risk. Fondation de France believes that culture is a pathway to empowerment. It confirms its commitment to the sector by encouraging exposure to culture at an early age, particularly in rural areas and disadvantaged urban zones.

Give children the means to take action!

Creativity, autonomy, taking initiative – these are skills one needs to practice from earliest childhood to become a responsible citizen, able to take on the world in all its complexity. What better training tool than culture to open minds, stimulate dialogue, inspire ideas and explore other values and traditions?

As illustrated by the Covid 19 pandemic, children and young people are being asked to grow up in a transforming world. They are already confronting major issues that will determine the evolution of our society.

Among those issues, two stand out:

how to live together in harmony and construct a culture where everyone has their place, and at the same time acknowledge that diversity is a source of vitality and renewal in our society;
Fondation de France wishes to give young people the means to become independent, responsible citizens who will know how to face these issues and build a more harmonious society.

Fondation de France supports projects that propose a plan of action in four steps:

  • developing the imagination and creativity, to cultivate awareness and sensitivity;
  • learn collaborative skills, techniques and methods through participation in a collective project;
  • practice thinking and analytical skills to address and debate questions raised during the process;
  • increase one’s capacity for action. Depending on the situation, the young people will be involved in the project’s conception, organization, execution and follow-up or evaluation.

The supported project can focus on the arts, handicrafts, natural or human sciences, or combinations thereof.



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Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term

Call for projects

Through their Growing Up Through Culture program Fondation de France wishes to give children and young people the means to take action in a complex environment.

Let’s help middle schoolers get ahead!

Supported projects can focus on the arts, handicrafts, natural or human sciences, or combinations thereof.

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More call of projects

Call for projects

Through their Growing Up Through Culture program Fondation de France wishes to give children and young people the means to take action in a complex environment.

Let’s help middle schoolers get ahead!

Supported projects can focus on the arts, handicrafts, natural or human sciences, or combinations thereof.

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Our contribution to a world in transition

Environment, education, health, culture and support for the most vulnerable are some of the nonprofit sectors, in which Fondation de France provides tangible and sustainable solutions, in France and abroad. We act both in emergency situations to assist the victims of natural disasters and to ensure that our action will continue over the long term.





Our contribution to a world in transition

Environment, education, health, culture and support for the most vulnerable are some of the nonprofit sectors, in which Fondation de France provides tangible and sustainable solutions, in France and abroad. We act both in emergency situations to assist the victims of natural disasters and to ensure that our action will continue over the long term.






In the face of catastrophe, we respond promptly to all aspects of daily living for residents, including housing, healthcare and assistance for the most frail. We engage with the victims by working for them over the long term, with emphasis on support from local organizations.

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Developing philanthropy

We facilitate the work of France’s leading philanthropy network in meetings and workshops. Thanks to the Philanthropy Observatory, we contribute to the debate on philanthropy’s place and role in society on a daily basis.

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In the face of catastrophe, we respond promptly to all aspects of daily living for residents, including housing, healthcare and assistance for the most frail. We engage with the victims by working for them over the long term, with emphasis on support from local organizations.

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Developing philanthropy

We facilitate the work of France’s leading philanthropy network in meetings and workshops. Thanks to the Philanthropy Observatory, we contribute to the debate on philanthropy’s place and role in society on a daily basis.

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Our programs

International development:
long-lasting impact across borders


Donor-advised funds


Projects carried out each year


Our commitment to fighting for equality and justice extends beyond our borders and the emergency situations in which we intervene.

Food riots in Africa in 2007, the Arab Spring movement of 2008, the start of the Syrian war in 2011 were all starting points for the programs we manage abroad. Our aim is to ensure that we work over the long term and that we cooperate with local organizations.

Thanks to our input, families in rural western Africa are able to produce their own agricultural produce. We create partnerships across the two shores of the Mediterranean to support local nonprofits in the Maghreb region. In Lebanon, our work with young people involves education and training projects and initiatives promoting access to the labor market.

Many donor-advised funds are also active abroad. For instance, they might be encouraging schooling for young girls, providing water to local residents or protecting human rights.


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term


Donor-advised funds


Projects carried out each year


Our commitment to fighting for equality and justice extends beyond our borders and the emergency situations in which we intervene.

Food riots in Africa in 2007, the Arab Spring movement of 2008, the start of the Syrian war in 2011 were all starting points for the programs we manage abroad. Our aim is to ensure that we work over the long term and that we cooperate with local organizations.

Thanks to our input, families in rural western Africa are able to produce their own agricultural produce. We create partnerships across the two shores of the Mediterranean to support local nonprofits in the Maghreb region. In Lebanon, our work with young people involves education and training projects and initiatives promoting access to the labor market.

Many donor-advised funds are also active abroad. For instance, they might be encouraging schooling for young girls, providing water to local residents or protecting human rights.


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Major grant programs

Major grant programs

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Our programs

Children and education:
equal opportunities for all


Donor-advised funds


Projects supported each year


How can we help young people find and reach their potential? How can we combat social and cultural determinism so that each child can experience the same opportunities for success?

Fondation de France has been very active in the field of childhood and education for more than 50 years. We primarily support projects that consider the child’s overall family environment. We help vulnerable parents, allocate grants to young people with no family support and contribute to providing psychological support for children and teens.

Being aware of the impact of education and training on future generations, we also assist young people throughout their school years, by combating early school leaving and awarding them scholarships to support them in their school career.


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term


Donor-advised funds


Projects supported each year


How can we help young people find and reach their potential? How can we combat social and cultural determinism so that each child can experience the same opportunities for success?

Fondation de France has been very active in the field of childhood and education for more than 50 years. We primarily support projects that consider the child’s overall family environment. We help vulnerable parents, allocate grants to young people with no family support and contribute to providing psychological support for children and teens.

Being aware of the impact of education and training on future generations, we also assist young people throughout their school years, by combating early school leaving and awarding them scholarships to support them in their school career.


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term

Major grant programs

Major grant programs

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Our programs

Environment: paving the way
for sustainability and resilience


Donor-advised funds


Projects supported each year


Climate change, the loss of biodiversity and increasingly fragile ecosystems require us to radically change the way we live as well as our consumption, work, production and housing patterns.

Faced with these huge challenges, we work in three closely interconnected areas:

  • research in key areas: changes in the coast and sea, new agriculture and environmental risk for human health;
  • support for those who are testing ecological transition on the ground;
  • raising the awareness of future citizens on environmental issues.

Our aim for all of the projects we support is to develop cooperation among all stakeholders: nonprofits, companies and local authorities and citizens especially, whose contribution is a proof of effectiveness. 


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term


Donor-advised funds


Projects supported each year


Climate change, the loss of biodiversity and increasingly fragile ecosystems require us to radically change the way we live as well as our consumption, work, production and housing patterns.

Faced with these huge challenges, we work in three closely interconnected areas:

  • research in key areas: changes in the coast and sea, new agriculture and environmental risk for human health;
  • support for those who are testing ecological transition on the ground;
  • raising the awareness of future citizens on environmental issues.

Our aim for all of the projects we support is to develop cooperation among all stakeholders: nonprofits, companies and local authorities and citizens especially, whose contribution is a proof of effectiveness. 


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term

Major grant programs

Major grant programs

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Our programs

Culture and creativity: the arts that bind us together


Donor-advised funds


Projects supported each year


We support all forms of creativity, including music, fine arts, literature, performing arts and architecture.

Thanks to the donor-advised funds actively engaged in the programs we manage, we place art at the heart of society, building bridges among citizens and thus combating social, geographic and cultural divisions.

Accessing art and culture means taking part in it and contributing to creativity and symbolic points of reference. In order to heal social wounds, new methods are needed to find commonalities between those involved in culture, artists from all disciplines, local stakeholders and the general public, especially vulnerable people.

We also pay particular attention to the young artists who were badly hit by the pandemic.


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term


Donor-advised funds


Projects supported each year


We support all forms of creativity, including music, fine arts, literature, performing arts and architecture.

Thanks to the donor-advised funds actively engaged in the programs we manage, we place art at the heart of society, building bridges among citizens and thus combating social, geographic and cultural divisions.

Accessing art and culture means taking part in it and contributing to creativity and symbolic points of reference. In order to heal social wounds, new methods are needed to find commonalities between those involved in culture, artists from all disciplines, local stakeholders and the general public, especially vulnerable people.

We also pay particular attention to the young artists who were badly hit by the pandemic.


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term

Major grant programs

Major grant programs

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Our programs

Philanthropy as a boost for generosity


Funds and foundations in france

+ 11

Billion euros allocated to charitable activities

+ 30

Billion euros of assets held by funds and foundations

With its 945 donor-advised funds, Fondation de France leads the first philanthropy network in France. Created 50 years ago to encourage the development of philanthropy, it supports all forms of commitment and generosity.

To that end, it focuses on the following:

Produce and share knowledge on philanthropy

Fondation de France contributes actively to the debate on the role of philanthropy in France and abroad. To that end, it regularly publishes nonprofit reference studies. With the Philanthropy Observatory and also thanks to its academic partners (the Essec Philanthropy Chair, the Philanthropy & Social Sciences Program at Université Paris 8 and the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy Center at Université de Genève), as well as institutional partners including France générositésFrench Foundation CenterAdmicalPhilea), Fondation de France regularly produces reliable data and analysis on how the sector is evolving, what it represents in financial terms and how it contributes to all charitable activities. The national survey of foundations and endowment funds and Panorama National des Générosités (a national review of philanthropy), are some of the main studies it publishes.

In addition to the Philanthropy Observatory’s publications, Fondation de France also partners with other key stakeholders to carry out surveys on the sector. In 2021, Fondation de France co-produced a survey with nonprofit Ashoka, which brings together thousands of social entrepreneurs in 92 countries. The survey addresses systemic change in the nonprofit sector and aims to raise awareness of itThe Philanthropy Observatory also collaborates with the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP).

It also supports Alliancethe magazine of reference on philanthropy, to promote best practices and the most innovative initiatives internationally.

Bringing together philanthropy stakeholders

Fondation de France assists in organizing and professionalizing the sector. Together with other foundations, it has for instance contributed to creating entities tasked with representing them in government agencies and promoting all forms of philanthropy: France Générosités was created in 1998 and the French Foundation Center in 2002. The aim is two-fold: developing a legislative, fiscal and political framework that promotes the development of philanthropy, and facilitating cooperation and joint models for effective action. In December 2021, Fondation de France joined the French Coalition of Foundations for Climate created by Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso and the French Foundation Center.

In Europe and further afield, Fondation de France has developed many collaborations with its counterparts, in a number of countries. In fact, it contributed to the creation of the European Foundation Center (EFC), now Philea, of which Axelle Davezac is a member of the executive committee. In 2019, Fondation de France hosted the EFC annual congress, which 800 foundation members attended. Every year, it actively participates in the international activities of Philea. Fondation de France is part of many other European and international philanthropy networks promoting the sharing of best practices and the networking of key sector stakeholders such as the Network European Foundations (NEF), chaired since May 2022 by Alexandre Giraud, sponsorship director of Fondation de France.

Promoting a culture of philanthropy

To promote a culture of philanthropy and pass on the willingness to help others from the youngest age, Fondation de France supports the School of Philanthropy, with the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations. The aim is to offer everywhere a pedagogical program throughout France to raise awareness of philanthropy in 8-11 year olds and encourage them in taking part in community projects.

Every other month, Fondation de France publishes a newsletter (La Lettre de la Philanthropie), to contribute to the public debate on topics in which philanthropy can showcase the specificity of its work. In it, you can read the news and trends of the charity world and contributions from philanthropists, experts and individuals from outside the sector.

The Philanthropy Observatory

couv FDF BAROMETRE 2024 2

The Philanthropy Observatory, with its news studies, monitors the practice of philanthropy and how this is changing in France and abroad.

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Sign up for La Lettre de la Philanthropie

Find out about the trends and news in the philanthropy world every other month. The newsletter is packed with stories, celebrities giving their point of view, expert talk and much more!

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Funds and foundations in france

+ 11

Billion euros allocated to charitable activities

+ 30

Billion euros of assets held by funds and foundations


With its 945 donor-advised funds, Fondation de France leads the first philanthropy network in France. Created 50 years ago to encourage the development of philanthropy, it supports all forms of commitment and generosity.

To that end, it focuses on the following:

Produce and share knowledge on philanthropy

Fondation de France contributes actively to the debate on the role of philanthropy in France and abroad. To that end, it regularly publishes nonprofit reference studies. With the Philanthropy Observatory and also thanks to its academic partners (the Essec Philanthropy Chair, the Philanthropy & Social Sciences Program at Université Paris 8 and the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy Center at Université de Genève), as well as institutional partners including France générositésFrench Foundation CenterAdmicalPhilea), Fondation de France regularly produces reliable data and analysis on how the sector is evolving, what it represents in financial terms and how it contributes to all charitable activities. The national survey of foundations and endowment funds and Panorama National des Générosités (a national review of philanthropy), are some of the main studies it publishes.

In addition to the Philanthropy Observatory’s publications, Fondation de France also partners with other key stakeholders to carry out surveys on the sector. In 2021, Fondation de France co-produced a survey with nonprofit Ashoka, which brings together thousands of social entrepreneurs in 92 countries. The survey addresses systemic change in the nonprofit sector and aims to raise awareness of itThe Philanthropy Observatory also collaborates with the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP).

It also supports Alliancethe magazine of reference on philanthropy, to promote best practices and the most innovative initiatives internationally.

Bringing together philanthropy stakeholders

Fondation de France assists in organizing and professionalizing the sector. Together with other foundations, it has for instance contributed to creating entities tasked with representing them in government agencies and promoting all forms of philanthropy: France Générosités was created in 1998 and the French Foundation Center in 2002. The aim is two-fold: developing a legislative, fiscal and political framework that promotes the development of philanthropy, and facilitating cooperation and joint models for effective action. In December 2021, Fondation de France joined the French Coalition of Foundations for Climate created by Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso and the French Foundation Center.

In Europe and further afield, Fondation de France has developed many collaborations with its counterparts, in a number of countries. In fact, it contributed to the creation of the European Foundation Center (EFC), now Philea, of which Axelle Davezac is a member of the executive committee. In 2019, Fondation de France hosted the EFC annual congress, which 800 foundation members attended. Every year, it actively participates in the international activities of Philea. Fondation de France is part of many other European and international philanthropy networks promoting the sharing of best practices and the networking of key sector stakeholders such as the Network European Foundations (NEF), chaired since May 2022 by Alexandre Giraud, sponsorship director of Fondation de France.

Promoting a culture of philanthropy

To promote a culture of philanthropy and pass on the willingness to help others from the youngest age, Fondation de France supports the School of Philanthropy, with the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations. The aim is to offer everywhere a pedagogical program throughout France to raise awareness of philanthropy in 8-11 year olds and encourage them in taking part in community projects.

Every other month, Fondation de France publishes a newsletter (La Lettre de la Philanthropie), to contribute to the public debate on topics in which philanthropy can showcase the specificity of its work. In it, you can read the news and trends of the charity world and contributions from philanthropists, experts and individuals from outside the sector.


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