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Promoting sustainable agriculture and food

All around the world, and especially where the poorest people live, millions face the threat of food insecurity. In order to provide a future to rural households and meet the increase in consumer needs, especially in times of crisis, Fondation de France encourages “eating local” by supporting local farming organizations, which reconcile social, economic and financial issues.

Family farming is anything but archaic and can help address the current challenges facing African societies. In Western Africa, family farming produces more than 90% of food and employs around 60% of workers. In other words, there is fantastic potential to tackle external disruptions and promote successful energy and ecological transition.

For Fondation de France, the development of family farming represents a key element in the fight against hunger, unemployment, rural flight and pollution, not forgetting climate change and the pandemic. It launched the Promoting Family Farming in West Africa (PAFAO) in 2019 and has been engaged in a program called (Joint Action for Farmers’ Organizations in West Africa (JAFOWA) since 2016, in collaboration with three other European and American foundations. All these programs have been developed together with the Network of Farming Organizations and Agricultural Producers in West Africa (ROPPA – Nourishing Africa).

These activities are prioritized in line with the following four themes:

  • develop sustainable and dynamic family agriculture to help farmers structure their work, produce locally and develop commercial activities in each sector. Since the PAFAO program was created, more than 250 projects were supported in about 20 countries, totaling 9 million euros;
  • reinforce agroecological good practices: directly supporting farming organizations in West Africa (Burkina Faso and Senegal) that are developing ecological and sustainable farming practices, to help women, young people and local communities become more independent (JAFOWA program);
  • promote dialog with the authorities: representatives of national and regional organizations, supported by Fondation de France, lead advocacy projects with policy makers to promote sustainable family farming;
  • support the victims of a catastrophe: in the event of a major catastrophe, the aim is to help small producers as soon as possible to ensure the recovery of agriculture and guarantee food security and independence.

Several of Fondation de France’s donor-advised funds have mobilized to encourage this movement. They include Fondation EG Afrique, which operates in Sub-Saharan Africa and especially in Senegal, Fondation Agir for development and access to water and Fondation Félix et Eliane Genève, which operates in Colombia, Siberia and Brazil.


The program team
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Call for projects

Fondation de France, together with Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, supports all forms of agroecological transition in France, Europe and the world.

Promoting Family Farming in Western Africa: moving massively towards the consumption of local products

The program supports projects that take the following two themes in consideration:

  • reinforce the consumption of high-quality local products from family farms;
  • develop sustainable agricultural practices and sustainable food systems.

Call for projects

Fondation de France, together with Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, supports all forms of agroecological transition in France, Europe and the world.

Promoting Family Farming in Western Africa: moving massively towards the consumption of local products

The program supports projects that take the following two themes in consideration:

  • reinforce the consumption of high-quality local products from family farms;
  • develop sustainable agricultural practices and sustainable food systems.

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