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Heritage, a universal memory

Because it testifies to our history, heritage belongs to all of us and shapes our collective identity. Preserving, promoting and passing it on means keeping it alive. It also boosts local economies and creates social interaction.

France has a wealth of ancient buildings, which boast strong heritage value... and are often in poor repair. This heritage is a privilege but it can sometimes place a heavy burden on owners and municipalities. How should we preserve this shared asset and make it accessible to everyone?

Philanthropy has always stepped up to meet these challenges. Evidence of this was the unprecedented wave of generosity following the fire that ripped through Notre-Dame de Paris. However, the scale of such events should not overshadow the work of dozens of donor-advised funds. They work daily towards heritage site restoration and contribute financial support to that end. Throughout France, they look after very old buildings, works of art and more recent industrial heritage.

Enthusiasts set up a number of these organizations, like Jean-Claude Fillaud. An art lover and deeply attached to his native Berry region, Jean-Claude Fillaud founded Dilecta in 2018. This Fondation de France donor-advised fund focuses on promoting and protecting small religious heritage items as well as rural and commemorative construction in the Indre and Vienne regions. Or like Pierre Delestre, who chose to create a foundation bearing his name via a legacy to Fondation to France, which contributes to safeguarding the Tregor chapels in Brittany.

Other foundations are led by collectives protecting an important monument, as is the case for the Fondation pour la Sauvegarde de la Collégiale de Thann (a foundation for the preservation of the Thann collegiate church), in Alsace, which was able to engage residents, sponsors and government agencies in their cause. Other examples include the Fondation pour Sarlat et le Périgord Noir (for the Périgord region) and the Fondation Internationale pour les monuments romains de Nîmes (an international foundation for the Roman monuments of Nîmes). They work towards renovating and promoting a local heritage site rich with history.

Corporate projects contribute to these activities too. The focus of Fondation Sorégies is on unprotected small-scale heritage sites and items in the Vienne department. Professional bodies are also involved, such as the Fondation France Bois Forêt Pour Notre Patrimoine (a foundation promoting carpentry for heritage preservation, while being mindful of forest resources in France), which helps restore constructions.

Landscapes, not just buildings, are also the focus of attention. Which is why the Fondation des Parcs et Jardins de France (for French parks and gardens) works to preserve, develop and raise awareness of gardens in France and promote their social, educational and therapeutic role. In the same vein, the Fondation pour Le Vésinet contributes to the renovation and embellishment of the town’s parks, lawns and lakes.

This conservation and promotion approach sometimes acquires a new dimension by incorporating social and ecological aspects to its work. The Fondation Malatier-Jacquet, a sponsor of Chambord castle and the palace of Versailles, supports several restoration projects, with the aim of combining heritage preservation, charitable projects and environmental protection.



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