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Drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, engraving, digital art - the fine arts employ multiple means of expression. Aside from their differences, each one renews our outlook on the world, stimulates our imagination, helps us to understand and share our emotions.

For 50 years, numerous donor-advised funds have been encouraging all forms of fine art, from the Fondation Prix Lacourière, which promotes intaglio engraving, to the Fondation Malatier-Jacquet, which offers international exchange grants for students doing advanced degrees in art and art history. Then there is Fondation Villa Seurat pour l’Art contemporain, whose goal is to foster the visual arts and contemporary dance by funding socially-engaged projects, and the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, which promotes contemporary art in all its forms. Some funds support projects that are linked to museum collections, like the Fondation des Amis pour le Rayonnement des Musées d’Orsay et de l’Orangerie.


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