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Supporting children, their family and young people experiencing difficulty

In France, one child in five lives under the poverty threshold, and the Covid-19 pandemic has made things tougher for many families. With poverty and exclusion spiraling, Fondation de France is committed to supporting these young people and children in the middle of their development, including their loved ones.

We know that children’s living conditions in childhood are a good predictor of their adult life and of their opportunities to find fulfilment and purpose, achieve academic success and enjoy social interactions. We also know that, faced with adversity, children and young people reveal a remarkable capacity for resilience. Supporting young people and their families in difficult circumstances, as early as possible in their life journey, means combating the unfairness of inequality over the long term.

Since 2007, thanks to calls for projects and direct aid, the Children and Families Experiencing Difficulty program led by Fondation de France is active on two fronts:

  • it supports parenting projects for families facing a range of problems on a daily basis. For greater effectiveness, the projects retained must promote preventive action and sustained collaboration between families and the various facilitators who will assist them, the overall goal being to serve the interest of the child;
  • it provides protection measures to young people at risk (ill-treated children, witnesses to domestic violence, those in child social welfare and youth legal protection services). Among them are non-accompanied migrants who are minors, who represent an increasing proportion of the children in social welfare services. Projects supported focus on academic success, access to culture, to healthcare and so on. These projects represent essential leverage in young people’s future social integration.

In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the extent of the poverty many families have to live with – and the particular vulnerability of single-parent families. Looking beyond emergency action, Fondation de France continues to support those organizations that step up to meet their needs, which include food aid, access to healthcare and hygiene, support with schooling and combating domestic violence. Several foundations have placed underprivileged children at the heart of their work, as is the case for the Ardian, Meeschaert and for Mustela Fondation de France donor-advised funds.


The program team
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Call for projects

The Fondation de France Childhood program encourages projects, in which society and the family circle pay greater attention to children and young people.

Supporting children, their family and young people experiencing difficulty

The projects supported reinforce young people’s ability to take action and gain more independence, to help them deal with life events over time.

Call for projects

The Fondation de France Childhood program encourages projects, in which society and the family circle pay greater attention to children and young people.

Supporting children, their family and young people experiencing difficulty

The projects supported reinforce young people’s ability to take action and gain more independence, to help them deal with life events over time.

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