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Music: a symphony of prizes and projects

Encouraging a diversity of artistic projects, supporting young talent, helping people discover classical music – the possibilities are endless! Around thirty of Fondation de France’s donor-advised funds are dedicated to the world of music. Among them you can find the Fondation Philharmonie de Paris, the Fondation pour le Rayonnement de l’Opéra National de Paris and the Fondation pour l’Opéra-Comique.

Some of these foundations take a very global approach, like the Fondation L’or du Rhin, which gives awards for artistic excellence in classical music, or the Fondation De la Musique Avant Toute ChoseFondation Cordes Sensibles and Fondation Véronique Daverio, all of whom support the development of the practice of classical music (prizes and grants, support for festivals and orchestras, help with buying instruments, assistance with recording albums and so on). Others take a much narrower path, like the Fondation Cécile Pollet, which offers grants to young, unknown female singer-composers between 15 and 25 years old who write poetic songs. Or the Fondation Monique Gabus, which awards a prize to a female composer under 40 years old. Not to mention other foundations dedicated to music distribution, like the Fondation Inter-Fréquence, which promotes the creation and diffusion of contemporary music, especially in French.



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