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Environmental education:

raising awareness

The transition towards a world that has more respect for the environment cannot happen without the participation of current – and future – citizens of the world! In light of the current health crisis, educating future generations about their environment and how to protect it is more important than ever.

The knowledge challenge

The goal of environmental education and awareness-raising is to give everyone the keys to a world that respects the balance between humans and nature.

Starting in 1993, Fondation de France has been behind innovative pedagogical programs like Rouletaboule (addressing consumption and waste), and Ricochets (focusing on water issues). Today, Fondation de France is concentrating its efforts on three activities: the Branféré botanical and animal park, the École Nicolas Hulot (a “school” for environmental education) and honorariums for volunteers participating in the “J’agis pour la Nature” platform.

Inspiring wonder and contemplation, a visit to Branféré Park is an opportunity to explore the crucial issues and infinite complexity of the relationship between humans and their environment. Resource management, species protection, scientific research, cultural, philosophical and esthetic considerations – the essential elements of our relationship with the world.

To strengthen the park’s educational mission, Fondation de France and the Fondation pour la Nature et l’Homme (The Foundation for Nature and Man), joined forces in 2004 to create the École Nicolas Hulot. School outings, camps, mini-camps, seminars – a wealth of fun educational activities designed to teach young people about the environment.

In keeping with its commitments, since 2015 Fondation de France has been funding honorariums for “J’agis pour la Nature”, supporting environmental awareness-raising and protection activities. Finally, Fondation de France also supports the OPEN Sciences internet platform, which allows everyone to contribute to data collection on a wide range of animal and plant species.

Training young people… and adults

To encourage the nonprofits it supports to embrace transition, Fondation de France works with them as they embark on or pursue their environmental journey. With that in mind, it has developed a specific tool to assist them: “e+ : Going green”, in partnership with Union nationale des Centres permanents pour l’environnement (a French network promoting environmental practices). In practice, help takes the form of methodology, to assess a given project’s environmental impact and identify the most sustainable solutions.



The program team
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