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Our programs

Emergencies: rebuilding lives over the long term


Interventions since 2010


Projects supported since 2010


After a disaster or a major crisis, Fondation de France swings into action to help rebuild lives. We stand by victims and casualties by providing them with assistance, over the long term, coordinating with NGOs, nonprofits and local authorities.

We were there after hurricane Irma in the Caribbean in 2017, flooding in south western France in 2018 and more recently after the explosion in Beirut. We focus our work on the strategic programs set out with our volunteer expert committees, closest to the needs of the community.

Our network of partners makes it possible for us to take action within a few hours of an emergency, to ensure proximity, thoroughness, transparency and traceability.

The experience we have gained in all nonprofit sectors means we can provide psychological and medical support, as well as help with housing rehabilitation, recreating social connections, education, agricultural recovery and so on. Our overarching philosophy is to act beyond the emergency situation and embed our work over time, so that we can offer affected residents lasting relief.

We implement these principles when natural disasters strike in France and elsewhere, and in the case of unprecedented events. Such was the case in 2019: when fire broke out at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, we became one of the institutions tasked with raising and allocating donations for the repair work. Likewise, the pandemic was marked by exceptional levels of mobilizations thanks to the “United Against the Virus” Alliance created with AP-HP (Paris hospitals) and Institut Pasteur.


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term


Interventions since 2010


Projects supported since 2010


After a disaster or a major crisis, Fondation de France swings into action to help rebuild lives. We stand by victims and casualties by providing them with assistance, over the long term, coordinating with NGOs, nonprofits and local authorities.

We were there after hurricane Irma in the Caribbean in 2017, flooding in south western France in 2018 and more recently after the explosion in Beirut. We focus our work on the strategic programs set out with our volunteer expert committees, closest to the needs of the community.

Our network of partners makes it possible for us to take action within a few hours of an emergency, to ensure proximity, thoroughness, transparency and traceability.

The experience we have gained in all nonprofit sectors means we can provide psychological and medical support, as well as help with housing rehabilitation, recreating social connections, education, agricultural recovery and so on. Our overarching philosophy is to act beyond the emergency situation and embed our work over time, so that we can offer affected residents lasting relief.

We implement these principles when natural disasters strike in France and elsewhere, and in the case of unprecedented events. Such was the case in 2019: when fire broke out at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, we became one of the institutions tasked with raising and allocating donations for the repair work. Likewise, the pandemic was marked by exceptional levels of mobilizations thanks to the “United Against the Virus” Alliance created with AP-HP (Paris hospitals) and Institut Pasteur.


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term

Major grant programs

Major grant programs


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Prison: working towards lasting social reintegration


63% of inmates released from prison without any follow-up reoffend within five years. Fondation de France supports initiatives aimed at improving inmates’ chances of successful social reintegration—a goal that is in everyone’s best interest!

Finding one’s place in society again

The health crisis shut down many prison activities, which are essential for limiting idleness and overcrowding and help inmates prepare to re-enter society.

In this context, the Prison program has mobilized to support non-profits who provide follow-up services for newly released prisoners. Among other challenges, these non-profits are obliged to adapt their projects to meet new health requirements.

Social reintegration remains a major issue in our society. The prison population is mostly young and under-qualified, and many have health and drug problems. The majority of inmates are convicted for short- and medium-term sentences (one to two years), and their time in prison often intensifies their anti-social behavior and their difficulty in finding their place in the world.

Solutions exist that can break this vicious circle. The Prison program encourages experiments that follow three different approaches:

  • support for those who are about to finish their prison sentence. This includes preparing the inmate before they are released and following up with them after, namely giving them access to the means of rebuilding their lives (housing, training, employment, social life, health, etc.);
  • support and follow-up for re-entry into society for people who are given alternative sentencing, such as community service, house arrest, or other detention options that involve electronic bracelets;
  • help in maintaining the prisoner’s social contacts. This includes contact with their family and friends, making sure family visits run smoothly and under decent conditions, and offering support on parenting issues.

All projects require that all actors involved (doctors, teachers, social workers, etc.) work together in a coordinated fashion. This is crucial to being able to spot difficulties that imprisoned people might encounter.

The Prison program also aids projects that aim to change the way we look at prisons and re-entry after release, such as the film “Après L’ombre”, or the performances of “Fresnes en scène” at the Odéon Theater in Paris.




The program team
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Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term

Call for projects

The pandemic has trained a spotlight on the need to decrease the prison population and to promote alternative sentences and measures to detention, with a proven record of accomplishment in preventing reoffending.

Prisons: moving away from delinquency

Fondation de France wishes to support initiatives that aim to increase successful re-entry into society after leaving prison, no matter how long the sentence. Projects should be designed to help people leaving prison become autonomous and find their place in society, in order to avoid recidivism.

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More calls for projects

Call for projects

The pandemic has trained a spotlight on the need to decrease the prison population and to promote alternative sentences and measures to detention, with a proven record of accomplishment in preventing reoffending.

Prisons: moving away from delinquency

Fondation de France wishes to support initiatives that aim to increase successful re-entry into society after leaving prison, no matter how long the sentence. Projects should be designed to help people leaving prison become autonomous and find their place in society, in order to avoid recidivism.

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Our programs

More flexible and innovative healthcare
and medical research


Donor-advised funds


Projects supported each year


For more than 50 years, we have been supporting medical research to better understand, manage, prevent and treat a range of conditions, such as cancer, cardio-vascular disease and Parkinson’s.

Our approach to combating disease is rooted in the firm belief that medical research combines different areas of expertise and needs time for experimentation, to continue its progress and make life easier for everyone.

We engage with researchers and also with professionals in healthcare and social and medical institutions, to build bridges between hospital and home, between health workers and patients and their families.

Thanks to our donor-advised funds and our own programs, we allow ourselves the time to experiment and consolidate the solutions arising in emerging fields. We were pioneers in the field of eye disease, environmental health and patient-centered care. These are some of the areas that scientific experts and government agencies gradually came to recognize as disciplines in their own right.


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term


Projets soutenus par an


Fondations abritées


Alors que les fractures économiques, territoriales, culturelles, générationnelles et environnementales ne cessent de s’accroître, nous nous engageons auprès des personnes les plus fragiles pour les aider à sortir de l’isolement et développer leur pouvoir d’agir.

En soutenant des associations de proximité partout en France, nous accompagnons les plus vulnérables : personnes âgées, porteuses d’un handicap, isolées, précaires… avec la volonté de renforcer les liens sociaux, favoriser l’accès aux droits et, plus que tout, encourager leur participation aux sujets qui les concernent. Nous sommes en effet convaincus que la participation des personnes concernées et de leur entourage est une des clés de réussite pour leur permettre d’accéder à plus d’autonomie et de bien-être de façon durable.

Grâce à notre approche multi-causes et à la proximité qui nous lie aux acteurs de terrain, nous apportons des solutions, en croisant les expertises et en oeuvrant sur plusieurs dimensions de l’intérêt général (habitat, santé, éducation…) pour être au plus près des besoins de ces populations. Nous contribuons ainsi à créer, avec elles, un environnement plus inclusif et solidaire.


Découvrez le nouveau programme pour soutenir les associations dans la durée

Major grant programs

Major grant programs

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Our programs

Working with and for vulnerable people


Donor-advised funds


Projects supported each year


In a period of increasing division in economic, geographic, cultural and environmental matters, we engage with people most at risk, to help them overcome isolation and develop their ability to take action.

We support the most vulnerable people, such as the elderly, those with a disability, as well as isolated and poor people, by supporting local nonprofits throughout France. Our aim is to reinforce their social interactions, help them exercise their rights and above all, encourage them to become involved in issues that matter to them. We firmly believe that involvement from the people, families and friends concerned represents a key factor in helping them achieve a higher level of independence and well-being, lastingly.

Because we are active in a range of causes and close to stakeholders on the ground, we offer solutions that cut across areas of expertise, combining a number of nonprofit sectors (housing, healthcare and education, for instance) to best meet the needs of these groups. Working with vulnerable people, we help provide a more inclusive and supportive environment.


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term


Donor-advised funds


Projects supported each year


In a period of increasing division in economic, geographic, cultural and environmental matters, we engage with people most at risk, to help them overcome isolation and develop their ability to take action.

We support the most vulnerable people, such as the elderly, those with a disability, as well as isolated and poor people, by supporting local nonprofits throughout France. Our aim is to reinforce their social interactions, help them exercise their rights and above all, encourage them to become involved in issues that matter to them. We firmly believe that involvement from the people, families and friends concerned represents a key factor in helping them achieve a higher level of independence and well-being, lastingly.

Because we are active in a range of causes and close to stakeholders on the ground, we offer solutions that cut across areas of expertise, combining a number of nonprofit sectors (housing, healthcare and education, for instance) to best meet the needs of these groups. Working with vulnerable people, we help provide a more inclusive and supportive environment.


Find out more about the new program supporting nonprofits over the long term

Major Grants Programs

Major Grants Programs

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