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As the war in Ukraine passes the thousand-day mark, Fondation de France continues to assist Ukrainians and refugees, as it has for the past two and a half years. From November 7 to 12, Karine Meaux, Head of Emergencies at Fondation de France, traveled to Ukraine, Slovakia and Moldova to review ongoing projects with nonprofit partners, implement winter measures, and set future priorities.

More than two years after Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Fondation de France is still very much involved in helping the people affected by the conflict. It has adjusted its strategic approach in the face of this war of attrition.

To help the people who are being displaced towards Armenia, after a military offensive launched by Azerbaijan against the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave last September, Fondation de France made a call for funds in partnership with TV channel France Télévisions on October 3. Thanks to the generosity of more than 3,800 donors (individuals, companies and donor-advised funds), €581,000 has been raised to support nonprofits to address a range of needs, where it matters.

Bruno Joubert is a French diplomat, former Ambassador of France in Morocco and president of the Solidarity with Morocco Committee. Volunteer experts created this committee in the very early days following the earthquake, enabling it to set out priorities, contact local partners and examine requests for support.

A year after the devastating earthquake that struck Morocco on September 8, 2023, which left three thousand people dead and many more thousands wounded and without shelter, the humanitarian situation remains critical. Fondation de France continues to help vulnerable populations, with local partners who take action where it matters – for the duration. It has already spent more than 4.2 million euros dedicated to the roll-out of 31 initiatives in the disaster zone.

On February 6, 2023 two earthquakes of exceptional magnitude the southern Turkey and northern Syria leaving 500,00 dead and hundreds of thousands more wounded and homeless. Eighteen months later, Fondation de France is adjusting its strategy to meet constantly changing needs and set priorities for the coming months.

Four years after the two lethal explosions which struck Beirut, Lebanon continues to descend into the abyss, mired in an economic and political crisis, not forgetting the impact of a war which has rekindled old wounds.

On September 8, 2023, Morocco was struck by an earthquake of enormous amplitude, leading to the death of more than 3,000 people and thousands more injured and without shelter. Six months on, and the humanitarian situation is still very tense with significant needs still not met.

Christine Robichon is the President of “Solidarity with Turkey and Syria” Committee. Volunteer experts created this committee in the very first days following the earthquakes, enabling it to set out priorities, create partnerships and examine requests for funding. She tells us of her active involvement with Fondation de France.

Depuis deux ans, la Fondation de France intervient pour venir en aide aux populations en Ukraine et aux personnes réfugiées. Face à un conflit qui s’enlise, elle a adapté sa stratégie, en soutenant des partenaires clés qui agissent au plus près des besoins et s’engagent dans la durée.