As a prevention and therapeutic tool, physical activity contributes to good health. It also represents great leverage for social integration and personal development.
Fondation de France is keen to facilitate access to sport, including for young women, sick and isolated people.
Combating inequality thanks to sport
Improved cardiovascular fitness, a reduced risk of diabetes and some cancers, mental illness prevention, stress and anxiety tackled head-on, increased confidence, more social interactions, all of these things make a great score sheet for sport!
However, in terms of sport, not everyone is on the same starting line… For instance, sick people might find it difficult to travel for a sport activity – especially if they live in a rural area. Gender stereotypes are also persistent: only a third of young people who practice a sport in a club are girls. Fondation de France encourages projects that use sport to promote the social and professional integration of young women and to improve the health of sick people. There are two priorities to our work:
Vulnerable people in deprived areas
The first priority is to improve health and prevent relapses. This involves supporting regular physical activity for sick people who live in rural areas or priority action neighborhoods, as well as taking part in the regional momentum by setting up networks of different professionals.
Help for women to rebuild their lives physically and mentally
The second priority aims to help vulnerable women and girls to rebuild their lives, through sport. Physical activity bolsters women’s self-esteem, helps them accept their body and regain the confidence in their ability to take actions, which is a crucial in a successful and holistic social program. Given the impact of the pandemic on individuals, physical activity also represents the opportunity to reengage in social interaction, which has been badly dented recently.