In this section, find all the answers to your questions about the Fondation de France.
Find out more about Fondation de France
What does Fondation de France do?How does Fondation de France work?How is Fondation de France funded?How does Fondation de France decide which emergencies to address?In an emergency, how does Fondation de France operate?What is Fondation de France’s governance?What is Fondation de France doing specifically during the Covid pandemic?What are Fondation de France’s missions?
Find out more about donor-advised funds
What is a donor-advised fund?How much does setting up a donor-advised fund at Fondation de France cost?How long does it take to create a donor-advised fund?How do you create a donor-advised fund?What is the legal status of a Fondation de France donor-advised fund?Why choose Fondation de France for your donor-advised fund?How can you contact a donor-advised fund?What is the difference between associations and foundations?What is the difference between corporate and individual foundations?What different types of foundations are there?
Regional focus
How does Fondation de France work at the regional level?How are our 6 regional foundations organized?