A Fondation de France donor-advised fund does not have its own legal personality. Fondation de France takes on legal responsibility. As such, it ensures that legal and tax rules are complied with, while the donor-advised fund enjoys great latitude in its work.
How does that benefit founders?
They can focus on what really matters. Fondation de France pools services to cut down on operating costs. A philanthropic project turns into a community, in which everyone shares their experience. In addition, each donor-advised fund benefits from personalized support, provided by an expert in the relevant issues.
How much do the pooled services cost?
These pooled resources, a vast network and unique expertise entail a payment of 3 to 5% on all the sums contributed by each donor-advised fund, which finds itself free of accounting and administrative duties.
You can find more info on how to set up a donor-advised fund in our brochure, Devenir fondateur (“Becoming a founder”)