Fondation de France guides you throughout the setting up process, which can be achieved in four steps. The time spent on the first three steps depends on you. The fourth step takes a maximum of three months.
Four steps to creating a donor-advised fund
- det out your project according to the area you want to work in and the operating model you are considering. Once you have established the main lines of your activity, the other steps can follow very quickly;
- identify the funding mechanism for your donor-advised fund depending on the amount you intend to commit. Fondation de France advisers can help you choose;
- give your donor-advised fund a name and a financial management and governance model (alone, with friends, in a committee or with Fondation de France);
- have your project approved: the Fondation de France Board of Directors examines your application within a maximum of three months. Once approved, you sign the agreement and make your first donation. Your journey has now begun!
For more information on creating your donor-advised fund, please contact the Founder Team on: +33 1 44 21 87 53 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..