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The Sidas World Foundation supporting forests and biodiversity since 2022: already 7 projects sponsored.

23 june 2024

Created in 2022 by the directors of the company of the same name, the Sidas World Foundation aims to make a positive contribution to the environment by supporting concrete projects to preserve and restore natural ecosystems and biodiversity.

Every company must take responsibility for the environment, and reducing CO2 emissions will not be enough. By committing to a sponsorship approach, the company wanted to go beyond simple reduction and give meaning to its actions.

In its first year and a half, the Sidas World Foundation has already supported 7 projects run by 5 associations, with a budget of more than €200,000

Among the associations supported are the ONF's Fonds Agir pour la forêt, Sylv'acctes and the LPO.

To find out more about the Sidas World Foundation, click here!

What's planned for the future?

For the year 24-25, we're continuing to meet with passionate project leaders, with a view to future support.

One of our key objectives for the year is to get our ecosystem (suppliers and customers) on board and raise funds with them.

Together, we can do more! 


→ Fondation Sidas World