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Fondation de France teams are ready for action

20 march 2020

For 50 years, Fondation de France has been the primary support for local associations working with vulnerable people: the elderly, the disabled, isolated people (particularly in rural areas), vulnerable people, migrants, etc.

Today, we remain active and are adapting our support to the current context.

Faced with the emergency and the diversity of needs, we are contacting local associations and project holders currently receiving support to identify their needs and the actions to be deployed rapidly. This will allow us to adapt our support to help the most vulnerable people.

Subsequently, the aim will be to help small associations to overcome the consequences of the crisis.

At the same time, we have contacted several university hospitals in France to offer them support in the purchase of medical equipment.

Finally, Fondation de France and sheltered foundations are highly committed to medical research in all disciplines: basic and applied research, public health, neuroscience, infectious diseases, oncology, etc.

The world needs solidarity more than ever, and Fondation de France is ready for action.

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