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In France, 18% of foundations are dedicated to medical and health research, and these issues account for 47% of all foundations’ expenditures. These figures are a testimony to the growing role of philanthropy in the prevention and treatment of diseases, as well as the discovery of innovative, therapeutic methods.

For over 50 years, Fondation de France and many of its donor-advised funds have stood by the side of researchers.

At the International Cancer Day for Children, the focus was on the research carried out by Dr. Celio Pouponnot and his team to treat particularly aggressive brain tumors in very small children.

Shaken by the pandemic, and before that by the lack of resources, the mental health sector is changing substantially.  Mental illness is less stigmatized, those involved are increasingly included in society and there are new forms of support.

Stress, depression, dark thoughts, mental burnout ... for more than a year, the Covid pandemic has had an impact on everyone’s mental health.

In France, one in four people is affected by a mental disorder in their lifetime. People with severe mental disorders often suffer from isolation, stigmatization, discrimination, etc.

The crushing majority of cardiovascular diseases are linked to atherosclerosis, in other words, fatty deposits appearing on the walls of arteries which can lead to heart attacks and cerebrovascular accidents (strokes), among other conditions. To what extent can it be avoided?

On April 8, 2021, the third “Climate Wakeup” (Reveil Climat) conference was held online. A monthly webinar organized by the Coalition Française des Fondations pour le Climat (Coalition of French Foundations for the Climate, or CFFC), this latest rendezvous looked at the impact of climate change on health.

During the Covid-19 crisis, the Maison des adolescents (Teenager House) in Strasbourg managed to keep in contact with young people. This organization, dedicated to helping 11 to 25-year-olds, recruited a brigade of ambassadors who took to social media.

Detecting society’s problems early and contributing tangible solutions to address them is one of Fondation de France’s key characteristics.