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All news

18 Jun.2024

Together, we drive philanthropic momentum - Axelle Davezac

More of us than ever before are rising to the occasion, in the form of donations, volunteering, and non-profit initiatives.

17 Jun.2024

Repair and rebuild

Fondation de France and its donor-advised funds address emerging risks, damages, and injuries in order to rebuild and empower heavily impacted communities.

17 Jun.2024

“We believe that this is a moment for philanthropy to be bold, brave, and courageous.” - Julie Broome

With the publication of Ariadne's 10th Forecast on the future challenges facing European philanthropy, Julie Broome, Director of Ariadne, talks to us about the key points of this study and the specific challenges facing France.

21 May.2024

Committed to Culture

Promoting access, fostering artistic creation, sharing culture, preserving heritage... At Fondation de France, culture ranks as the third-largest cause, with 250 donor-advised funds dedicated to this sector. In 2024 alone, contributions of €25...

05 Mar.2024

Time for some quotas

Since they work for business boards, would they be an opportunity for European foundations too? Should a time-limited quota be introduced in relation to gender diversity on foundations’ boards? The matter is complex and needs unpacking, but...

06 Mar.2024

Solidarity with Morocco: six months of action

On September 8, 2023, Morocco was struck by an earthquake of enormous amplitude, leading to the death of more than 3,000 people and thousands more injured and without shelter. Six months on, and the humanitarian situation is still very tense with...

08 Aug.2023

Interview with Christine Robichon – “Solidarity with Turkey and Syria” Committee President

Christine Robichon is the President of “Solidarity with Turkey and Syria” Committee. Volunteer experts created this committee in the very first days following the earthquakes, enabling it to set out priorities, create partnerships and examine...

23 Feb.2024

Solidarity with Ukraine: Two years of action

Depuis deux ans, la Fondation de France intervient pour venir en aide aux populations en Ukraine et aux personnes réfugiées. Face à un conflit qui s’enlise, elle a adapté sa stratégie, en soutenant des partenaires clés qui agissent au plus près des...

05 Feb.2024

Turkey-Syria: a year of stepping up where it mattered most

On February 6, 2023, southern Turkey and northern Syria were struck by two huge earthquakes, leading to the death of more than 50,000 people, and hundreds of thousands more injured and without shelter. One year on and the humanitarian situation is...

24 Jan.2024

Pierre Sellal’s message for the new year

In a world and society that are disrupted, damaged, dismayed, philanthropy cannot cure everything ... but it is more relevant and necessary than ever.

21 Dec.2023

Turkey-Syria: ten months of action where it really matters

Fondation de France supports more than 50 projects across the two countries, by responding to the emergency. Priority aid is brought to the most vulnerable: children, women, people who are elderly or disabled and those from isolated or minority...

19 Dec.2023

Philanthropy and democracy, challenges and outlook for foundations

 Examining in depth the relationships between philanthropy and democracy was the object of a study, commissioned by the Fondation de France Philanthropy Observatory.

15 Dec.2023

Solidarity with Morocco: 3 months of mobilization to help the most vulnerable

In the first few weeks following the disaster, emergency assistance was deployed straight away in the many areas affected. Nonprofits on the ground, such as Migrations & Développement – a Fondation de France partner, are backed by a significant...

24 Oct.2023

Solidarity with Armenia : Fondation de France is mobilizing to help the people of Nagorno-Karabakh who have taken refuge in Armenia

On September 19, Azerbaijan launched a military offensive against the Nagorna-Karabakh enclave – with a population largely made up of Armenians – causing the mass exodus of around 100,000 people into Armenia. In order to help people who are already very...

15 Feb.2023

Solidarity with Ukraine: a year of action

A year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the country’s humanitarian situation is catastrophic. Fondation de France remains mobilized.

06 Feb.2023

Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria – Fondation de France is mobilizing and appealing for donations

On February 6, 2023, two massive earthquakes struck southern Turkey and northern Syria, leading to the death of more than 16,000 people, and thousands more injured, as well as large-scale destruction. The number of casualties is rising by the hour. As of...

08 Nov.2022

Gender Parity : Challenges, issues, and opportunities for foundations and endowment funds in France

Editorial The changing socio-political and environmental context over the past few years highlighted the need for a thorough examination of the role, place and responsibility of philanthropy in responding to both local and global challenges. In...

08 Nov.2022

Solidarity with Ukraine – Fondation de France’s key priorities as winter approaches

For more than eight months, Fondation de France has stepped in and come to the aid of people affected by the conflict. As the latter turns into a war of attrition, we focus on changing needs and new initiatives.

24 Aug.2022

Solidarity Ukraine: our action over the last 6 months

Six months ago, few days after the first Russian offensive in Ukraine, Fondation de France lauched a solidarity appeal to help the vulnerable population affected by the conflict.

18 Jul.2022

Reflections on strengthening the potential of European philanthropy

After two years of the global pandemic, this spring finally saw the opening of spaces again to meet with colleagues across philanthropy, civil society and academia.

28 Jun.2022

Karine Meaux: "In Ukraine, local actors provide 99% of humanitarian aid"

Karine Meaux, Head of the International Solidarity Department of Fondation de France, gives an update on the local situation and the actions undertaken.

14 Jun.2022

Beyond borders and boundaries: enhancing European philanthropy through dialogue and pluralism

This spring, 25 leaders of major European foundations discussed key issues facing the philanthropic sector at the first European Academy of Strategic Philanthropy (EASP). In this interview, Maja Spanu shares some of the key insights from the event...

10 Jun.2022

Sports: a faithful ally of health!

With its Sports, Health and Social Integration Program, Fondation de France is mobilizing to combat the sedentary lifestyle and make physical activity a tool that can improve quality of life. An innovative approach that is gaining ground.

07 Jun.2022

Revealing the full of potential of philanthropy

Fondation de France was created more than 50 years ago to develop philanthropy in France. Inspiring and encouraging people to engage for the common good, making them realize everyone can take action – that is its core mission.

03 Jun.2022

« Inspire philanthropy, support generosity and take action-locally »

An interview with Axelle Davezac, Chief Executive Officer

02 Jun.2022

“Trust merits excellence”, by Pierre Sellal

Every upheaval that strikes our society, our environment, or an area of the world reveals or accentuates vulnerability, fragility and inequality. We have collectively felt these impacts during the two years of the health crisis, which has not yet...

01 Jun.2022

Explore the Fondation de France 2021 annual report

Fondation de France has published its activity report, covering the key issues of 2021. A sheltering foundation, it has also published a directory of founders, listing all 945 donor-advised funds in 2021, as well as a financial report, attesting to...

25 May.2022

Solidarity with Ukraine: three months of action

Thanks to the Solidarity with Ukraine call for funds launched on February 28, almost 14 million euros was raised to help those affected by the conflict. How does Fondation de France operate in this context? What takes priority? Here is a review of...

23 May.2022

Borderless mobilization for the environment

Alors que les pays du Sud sont très fortement exposés aux conséquences du changement climatique, plusieurs fondations abritées s'engagent pour le développement de nouveaux modèles de production agricole et d'activités économiques durables.

29 Apr.2022

Dance, music, art – Initiatives that support emerging young talent

Every year, Fondation de France and its donor-advised funds support emerging young talent from all disciplines, including dance, music and art. We take a look at three representative projects.

25 Apr.2022

Gautier Capuçon : “Music is sharing”

Following the Covid pandemic, cellist Gautier Capuçon launched a foundation bearing his name to help young musicians in their studies and career. 

22 Apr.2022

Fondation de France on the frontline: supporting young people in difficulty

Social distancing had a huge impact on the frequency and quality of our daily interactions, and certain social connections simply disappeared.

22 Apr.2022

How can we work together better in the Sahel?

On April 20, Fondation de France organized a video conference with 12 donor-advised funds working in the Sahel region, to discuss the specifics of the projects carried out there. Tertius Zongo, the prime minister of Burkina Faso from 2007 to 2011,...

15 Apr.2022

Culture: Innovations at Fondation de France and its donor-advised funds

Philanthropy players are stepping up to encourage all forms of creation and make culture more accessible. Here are some highlights of Fondation de France’s and its donor-advised funds’ commitments.

13 Apr.2022

Fondation Philharmonie de Paris: a project for kids

When the Philharmonie des Enfants (the Children’s Philharmonic) opened in September, Fondation de la Philharmonie confirmed the part it plays in cultural innovation.

08 Apr.2022

Laureates Concert 2022: celebrating 14 young musicians

On April 7, 2022, 14 musicians, supported by eight of Fondation de France’s donor-advised funds, were awarded prizes at the National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Paris.

10 Jun.2022

Philanthropy Barometer: the number of sheltered foundations has tripled in 20 years

The Fondation de France has published the 2022 Philanthropy Barometer study conducted by the Observatoire de la Philanthropie. 

29 Mar.2022

Laurence Fischer: “Receiving philanthropic support made me feel I was understood”

Laurence Fischer is a three-time world karate champion. In 2017, she created Fight for Dignity, a nonprofit that offers adapted karate training to women who have been victims of violence.

22 Mar.2022

Solidarity with Ukraine – read about early relief efforts supported on the ground

The appeal for funds launched by Fondation de France on February 28 has raised 14 million euros to help the people affected by the conflict in Ukraine. This amazing outpouring of generosity contributes to supporting immediate action on the ground...

23 Mar.2022

Fondation de France and donor-advised funds honor 14 researchers for their innovative work

Every year, Fondation de France and 130 donor-advised funds support numerous medical research projects. In 2021, they committed close to 30 million euros. A look at a few of these innovative projects.

15 Mar.2022

Solidarity with Ukraine: the large-scale mobilisation of the Fondation de France network

On 28 February, the Fondation de France launched a fundraising appeal to help families affected by the conflict in Ukraine. Thanks to the tremendous outpouring of generosity from donors - individuals and companies alike - and from sheltered...

04 Mar.2022

Solidarity with Ukrainians: the Fondation de France takes action

2 millions people have already left Ukraine to escape the military offensive in the country. In coordination with several European foundations, the Fondation de France is launching a solidarity appeal to provide emergency aid to thousands of people...

04 Mar.2022

Housing – living better together and saving the planet

Sub-standard housing, made worse by the pandemic, affects health, family relationships and social and professional integration, among other issues.

03 Mar.2022

Portrait of Rudi Osman, volunteer with the Migrant Solidarity Committee

Rudi Osman is a journalist and founder of the Union for Exiled Students. Named Obama Foundation Europe Leader in 2022, he has been a volunteer for Fondation de France’s Migrant Solidarity Committee for two years. A portrait.

03 Mar.2022

Neurodegenerative diseases: Foundations standing by the side of researchers

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis – neurodegenerative or related diseases that affect the central nervous system concern over one million people in France. Every year, some 250,000 new cases are registered in France.

03 Mar.2022

An overview of philanthropy in Europe

Si partout en Europe, le secteur des fondations est florissant, les comportements en matière de dons des particuliers sont en revanche extrêmement disparates. Panorama des philanthropies en Europe, fondé sur l'étude de 10 pays.

03 Mar.2022

Prison – is poverty the only possible future?

On February 17, a day of interactions and debate on the topic of custodial sentences in France, the following report was presented: “Prison as the lowest social rung.” The study revealed a pernicious cycle of poverty and prison.

24 Feb.2022

Prison – supporting prisoners’ rehabilitation over the long term

With more than 69,000 prisoners, equivalent to one French resident in a thousand, France still holds one of the highest custodial rates in Europe.

18 Feb.2022

New national review of philanthropy: explore five key trends

8.5 billion euros is the amount donated in France in 2019. In its second edition, the Panorama national des générosités (a review of philanthropy), produced by the Fondation de France Philanthropy Observatory reveals five key trends over the long...

14 Feb.2022

► Hope for more effective treatment to combat aggressive brain tumors

At the International Cancer Day for Children, the focus was on the research carried out by Dr. Celio Pouponnot and his team to treat particularly aggressive brain tumors in very small children.

03 Feb.2022

Medical research: the crucial role of philanthropy

In France, 18% of foundations are dedicated to medical and health research, and these issues account for 47% of all foundations’ expenditures. These figures are a testimony to the growing role of philanthropy in the prevention and treatment of...

30 Jan.2022

Pap Ndiaye: “The renewal of democracy depends on the rise of philanthropy”

Pap Ndiaye is a historian specializing in North American history and a pioneer of Black Studies in France. After being made director of the Palais de la Porte Dorée, home of the National Museum of the History of Immigration and the Tropical...

04 Jan.2022

Greetings from Pierre Sellal, Chairman of the Fondation de France

The Fondation de France is pleased to express, through me, its sincere and very warm wishes to you, at the dawn of this new year, which I hope will bring the best to each of you, in your personal life and your professional projects.

26 Dec.2021

Care Design, beautiful and inclusive

Objects, shapes, colors – how can they help vulnerable people live their lives fully, remain independent and engage in social interaction?

27 Dec.2021

► MaMaMa: helping women and babies facing great hardship

In the Greater Paris area, around 50,000 babies are estimated to need emergency food. During the first lockdown, many women found themselves in even greater difficulty to provide their children’s basic needs.

20 Dec.2021

Bravo to the Eloquentia artists!

The final of the international Eloquentia contest, supported by Fondation de France, was held on the stage of the Bataclan concert venue in Paris on December 17. Four finalists battled for the title of the “Best French-speaking orator in 2021.”

17 Dec.2021

Solidarity with migrants: “support for the long term, not just during emergencies”

December 18 is International Migrants Day. An opportunity to look back on Fondation de France’s commitment to those most vulnerable, no matter where they come from.

17 Dec.2021

Mental health – innovating for better support

Shaken by the pandemic, and before that by the lack of resources, the mental health sector is changing substantially.  Mental illness is less stigmatized, those involved are increasingly included in society and there are new forms of support.

24 Nov.2021

At the École des Semeurs, students cultivate ecology!

At the École des Semeurs (the Growing School) in the Eure district, young people who are failing at school learn how to enjoy learning again by training to work in organic farming.

01 Oct.2021

Foundations committed to helping music thrive

Because it moves us, transports us and brings us together, we need music more than ever. On the International Music Day on October 1, we find out how three recent donor-advised funds decided to take action for and thanks to musical creation.

21 Sep.2021

Live and grow old in a community

How to grow old without losing control of one’s life? How to get care, protection and health services without becoming isolated, deprived of one’s free will, one’s liberty, or being excluded from society?

15 Sep.2021

Alzheimer’s disease: a home where patients can grow old together

To mark World Alzheimer’s Day, a report on the Maison des Sages (Home of the Wise), an innovative approach to collective housing for older people suffering from this illness.

03 Sep.2021

Beyond projects, reinforcing the capacities of nonprofits

How can we take lasting action in the field of international development? By supporting the emergence and structuring of a network of civil society actors, locally.

01 Sep.2021

My Human Kit, the fab lab that helps disabled people take control again

In Rennes, the My Human Kit fab lab helps those with a disability design objects that improve their daily lives.

01 Sep.2021

Reading – the key to success!

Reading is the first step on the road to knowledge, and illiteracy can lead straight to inequality.

18 Jun.2021

Unaccompanied minors – hope for a better future

In 2020, there were nearly 80 million refugees and displaced people. A record. And that figure includes an increasing number of young people.

03 Jun.2021

Fondation de France in 2020: discover our annual report

Fondation de France is publishing its 2020 activity report. As the leading philanthropy network in France, it brings together 916 donors-advised funds, 539,255 donors, 521 volunteers and 226 employees. A total of €238.6 million was spent for the...

07 May.2021

“Strong mobilization and prudent management in an unsettled environment”

The 2020 financial review having now been conducted, it is clear that the crisis marking the past year is far from over, with social and economic challenges coming on top of significant healthcare challenges.

05 May.2020

United – to stop early school leaving

When faced with school closures, not all children react the same. Along with its partners, Fondation de France supports those most at risk, so they don’t leave the classroom permanently.  

10 Jun.2020

« Philanthropy is what democracy is made of » by Pierre Sellal

The year 2019 has been the opportunity to illustrate the spirit, method, expertise and know-how which define Fondation de France, as well as to definitely commit it to new horizons.

11 Jun.2020

Philanthropy: knowing how to innovate and act over the long term

Founded to develop and promote a particularly French form of philanthropy, nearly 900 charities currently fall under the umbrella of Fondation de France, operating in all fields of public interest. Thanks to the generosity of donors and testators,...

03 Jun.2020

After the crisis: reconstructing collectively, differently and sustainably

Fondation de France acted quickly during the health crisis: support for carers and helpers, support for research and support for the vulnerable: over 650 projects were conducted throughout France in just two months. The crisis has highlighted...

04 May.2021

The Foundation for all causes and all acts of generosity

This past year, which has been so deeply impacted by the Covid pandemic, has shown us just how interconnected philanthropic activities are. Health, medical and research challenges cannot be addressed separately from economic and social issues.

03 May.2021

“Our institution stepped up, for the public benefit”

2020 was an unprecedented year by any measure. Its impact was acutely felt by everyone, a fact that was widely noted. Never since the end of the Second World War had our country experienced such a deep and lasting economic recession, in the context of a...

10 Nov.2020

Remembrance and Fighting Terrorism with Music

On 13 November 2020, five years after the Bataclan attacks, the symphonic poem 'It will always be November in my soul' will be broadcast for the first time. Instigated by the parents of Stéphane, a victim of the attacks, this work has been created...

03 Nov.2020

Fondation de France engaged in victim support and radicalization prevention since 2015

Since 2015, Fondation de France has been actively engaged in facing terrorist acts and threats, complementing the government’s response. Fondation de France has set itself an important task, in addition to the help provided to victims in the months...

11 Apr.2020

Staying United Against the Coronavirus: Fondation de France calls for donations

The social and economic crisis is snowballing as the health crisis continues. Poverty is on the increase and many – including elderly people and those affected by disability and mental health issues – are being cut off from society. Added to that...

19 Apr.2020

Notre-Dame Cathedral fire: two years later

On April 15, 2019, a fire broke out on the roof of Notre-Dame de Paris, devastating the cathedral. In the hours and days that followed, there was a tremendous outpouring of solidarity to rebuild this masterpiece of French heritage. The very day...

24 Jun.2021

Foundations committed to creativity, access and sharing

Whether it’s helping artists, lending a hand with big productions and restoration projects, making it easier to find venues or create a connection with the public – culture is one of philanthropy’s biggest causes! We take a look at three...

20 Apr.2021

Health and climate: an essential relationship

On April 8, 2021, the third “Climate Wakeup” (Reveil Climat) conference was held online. A monthly webinar organized by the Coalition Française des Fondations pour le Climat (Coalition of French Foundations for the Climate, or CFFC), this latest...

30 Mar.2021

Medical research: now more than ever, support for all fields is essential

For over 50 years, Fondation de France and many of its donor-advised funds have stood by the side of researchers.

26 Mar.2021

Helping mothers and protecting their babies, off the streets

Fondation de France welcomes and looks after young, homeless mothers and their newborns, to help women who are in distress or living in great poverty. 

19 Mar.2021

Fabienne Clauss, 25 years at the side of the Sherpa children

How to face the death of a loved one, to make sense of it, and learn to live with it? After losing her husband in a climbing accident in Nepal, Fabienne Clauss chose the high road, reacting with generosity and grace. On October 5, 1995, Himalaya...

17 Mar.2021

Mental health is everyone’s business!

Stress, depression, dark thoughts, mental burnout ... for more than a year, the Covid pandemic has had an impact on everyone’s mental health.

01 Mar.2021

Sports, a springboard for getting back on one’s feet

  To help those most vulnerable rebuild their lives and reclaim their bodies, Fondation de France has launched a call for projects: “Women and Sports – For a Fresh Start!”

08 Feb.2021

Lebanon: one year after the explosion, 46 actions supported

One year ago, an explosion destroyed the port and part of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. This disaster killed more than 200 people, injured 6,500 more and left 300,000 residents without viable housing. Immediately, Fondation de France launched a...

08 Feb.2021

Lebanon: one year after the explosion, 46 actions supported through “Solidarité Liban”

One year ago, an explosion destroyed the port and part of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. This disaster killed more than 200 people, injured 6,500 more and left 300,000 residents without viable housing. Immediately, Fondation de France launched a...

25 Nov.2020

Two different points of view on loneliness

Fondation de France believes that loneliness must be dealt with as locally as possible and that problems generated by vulnerability should be tackled.

18 Nov.2020

Children’s rights - three projects for a better future

November 20 is World Children’s Day. For the past 13 years, Fondation de France has supported projects to help every child grow up and flourish in the right environment.

16 Nov.2020

Michel Ghazal: Giving “a little something back”

Born in Beirut with France his adoptive country, this former entrepreneur created Fondation Ghazal pour l’Éducation, la Recherche et la Paix au Liban (Ghazal Foundation for Education, Research and Peace in Lebanon) in 2012. This is a foundation...

09 Nov.2020

Palliative care, a pioneering approach from Fondation de France

Detecting society’s problems early and contributing tangible solutions to address them is one of Fondation de France’s key characteristics.

30 Oct.2020

Digitization – technology that encourages inclusion for disabled people

On October 29, the Disability and Inclusion Program organized its third workshop to share views and best practices on the issue of disability and new technologies.

06 Oct.2020

Respite for carers so they can strengthen their bond with the cared-for

In France, there are over 8 million people who, on a daily basis, take care of a loved one due to their age, their handicap, or their dependence. Carers play a valuable role in our society, but one that is also difficult to cope with.

05 Oct.2020

Inclusive accommodation for shared housing

Fifteen years ago, Fondation de France created its Housing program. We review here one of its activities: developing shared housing experiences that combine access to accommodation and social interaction.

23 Sep.2020

“Our lifestyles account for 90% of risk”

The crushing majority of cardiovascular diseases are linked to atherosclerosis, in other words, fatty deposits appearing on the walls of arteries which can lead to heart attacks and cerebrovascular accidents (strokes), among other conditions. To...

06 Jul.2020

A social media ambassador brigade to support at-risk young people

During the Covid-19 crisis, the Maison des adolescents (Teenager House) in Strasbourg managed to keep in contact with young people. This organization, dedicated to helping 11 to 25-year-olds, recruited a brigade of ambassadors who took to social...

17 Apr.2020

Notre-Dame : one year later

On 15 April 2019, a devastating fire struck Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, unleashing a wave of solidarity throughout France and all over the world. Fondation de France immediately mobilized its network and launched a special fund to enable huge...

02 Apr.2020

The Maisons des Enfants (The Children’s Houses) de la Côte d’Opale, during lockdown

The Maisons des Enfants de la Côte d'Opale (on the French North Coast) currently host 74 children living in-house who can no longer live with their parents and are entrusted to legal and administrative authorities.

20 Mar.2020

Fondation de France teams are ready for action

For 50 years, Fondation de France has been the primary support for local associations working with vulnerable people: the elderly, the disabled, isolated people (particularly in rural areas), vulnerable people, migrants, etc.

20 Mar.2020

All United Against Coronavirus: joining forces

In the alliance "All United Against Coronavirus", Fondation de France, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) and Institut Pasteur have decided to join forces and mobilize their entire network. Given the enormous number of needs, a call for...

20 Mar.2020

All United Against Coronavirus: Fondation de France, AP-HP and Institut Pasteur join forces

In the alliance "All United Against Coronavirus", Fondation de France, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) and Institut Pasteur have decided to join forces and mobilize their entire network. Given the enormous number of needs, a call for...

16 Mar.2020

To contact us during the epidemic

The Covid-19 epidemic currently affecting France is having a major impact on the country’s activity. In order to continue its work for the common good, the Fondation de France is adapting to this unprecedented health crisis. Since 16 March, all...

27 Feb.2020

Fondation de France’s commitment to medical research

For more than 50 years, we have been fighting the injustice inflicted by illness and disease.  Working in close collaboration with scientists, we have made medical research one of the great causes that Fondation de France has supported over the...

06 Feb.2020

Kiera Chaplin: “Education is a weapon to combat the crime of excision”!

United Nations figures are stark: Two hundred million women in the world have been excised and three million girls are likely to suffer this mutilation each year!

04 Feb.2020

► Developing first-aid in mental health

In France, one in four people is affected by a mental disorder in their lifetime. People with severe mental disorders often suffer from isolation, stigmatization, discrimination, etc.

15 Jan.2020

Foundations and endowment funds in France: a sector in full swing

In 2017, there were almost 2,500 foundations and over 1,650 endowment funds in operation in France. Over a third of the foundations were set up after 2010, while the endowment funds, a more recent phenomenon, were all created after 2009. For the...

14 Jan.2020

50 years serving every cause

“For 50 years, the Fondation de France has demonstrated philanthropy’s effectiveness. In fields as diverse as the environment, palliative care, autism, and employment it has proved that civil society’s creativity, determination and ability to act...

13 Jan.2020

Liberté, Egalité, Philanthropie: European foundations take action

How can philanthropy help defend the fundamental rights that are liberty, equality and fraternity? From 22 to 24 May 2019, over 600 philanthropy professionals from all over Europe got together to debate this question at the European Foundation...

09 Dec.2019

Human rights: Fondation de France taking action on all fronts

« Les êtres humains naissent libres et égaux, en droits et en dignité. » C'est ce principe fondamental que consacrait en 1948 la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'Homme. 

27 Nov.2019

Gérard Garouste’s point of view: “Philanthropy starts with kindness to others”

A painter, sculptor and member of the Paris Fine Arts Academy, Gérard Garouste has been committed to working with underprivileged children for the past 25 years.

04 Jul.2019

Citad’elles, a unique magazine produced for and by women prisoners

In the Rennes prison, with the help of independent graphic designers and journalists, women prisoners serving long sentences produce a magazine with a difference. 

01 Jul.2019

Medical research: fighting for advances in medicine and public health

The fight for a more just world necessarily involves battling the grave injustice inflicted by disease and illness. Since the 1970s, medical research has been one of the historic causes taken up by French philanthropy and Fondation de France.

20 Jun.2019

50 years of green philanthropy

Conserving nature, better understanding our ecosystems, developing a harmonious relationship between humans and other living things … Fondation de France and many of its sheltered foundations have been actively addressing such environmental issues...

23 May.2019

Rebuilding Notre-Dame Cathedral: Fondation de France mobilises its network

Following the fire that struck Notre-Dame de Paris on 15 April 2019, Fondation de France is mobilising its network and launching a special fund to rebuild the cathedral.

10 Dec.2018

FFmed, a Fund for all women in the Mediterranean region

Since it was created, ten years ago, the FFmed works to promote the development of women’s rights in the Mediterranean region.

07 Feb.2017

November 13 attacks in Paris

Message from Francis Charhon to all our American friends, after the Paris attacks of November 13th.

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