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Together, we drive philanthropic momentum - Axelle Davezac

More of us than ever before are rising to the occasion, in the form of donations, volunteering, and non-profit initiatives.

Repair and rebuild

Fondation de France and its donor-advised funds address emerging risks, damages, and injuries in order to rebuild and empower heavily impacted communities.

Lebanon: one year after the explosion, 46 actions supported

One year ago, an explosion destroyed the port and part of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. This disaster killed more than 200 people, injured 6,500 more and left 300,000 residents without viable housing. Immediately, Fondation de France launched a call for donations. Three million euros were collected and two million have already been spent to support 46 field projects targeting four priority areas of focus: psychological support, economic recovery, support for young people and rehabilitation of individual housing and communal spaces.

All United Against Coronavirus: joining forces

In the alliance "All United Against Coronavirus", Fondation de France, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) and Institut Pasteur have decided to join forces and mobilize their entire network. Given the enormous number of needs, a call for solidarity is launched to support healthcare workers, researchers and help the most vulnerable. The donations collected will be used to help healthcare workers - whether in hospitals or not-, to finance research projects as well as to support local social professionals and charities working with the most vulnerable.

50 years of green philanthropy

Conserving nature, better understanding our ecosystems, developing a harmonious relationship between humans and other living things … Fondation de France and many of its sheltered foundations have been actively addressing such environmental issues since the 1970s.

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