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Culture and creativity


Every year, Fondation de France and its donor-advised funds support emerging young talent from all disciplines, including dance, music and art. We take a look at three representative projects.

Philanthropy players are stepping up to encourage all forms of creation and make culture more accessible. Here are some highlights of Fondation de France’s and its donor-advised funds’ commitments.

On April 7, 2022, 14 musicians, supported by eight of Fondation de France’s donor-advised funds, were awarded prizes at the National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Paris.

Because it moves us, transports us and brings us together, we need music more than ever. On the International Music Day on October 1, we find out how three recent donor-advised funds decided to take action for and thanks to musical creation.

Whether it’s helping artists, lending a hand with big productions and restoration projects, making it easier to find venues or create a connection with the public – culture is one of philanthropy’s biggest causes! We take a look at three foundations who have adapted their outlook to support culture.