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Medical research and healthcare


Every year, Fondation de France and 130 donor-advised funds support numerous medical research projects. In 2021, they committed close to 30 million euros. A look at a few of these innovative projects.

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis – neurodegenerative or related diseases that affect the central nervous system concern over one million people in France. Every year, some 250,000 new cases are registered in France.

In France, 18% of foundations are dedicated to medical and health research, and these issues account for 47% of all foundations’ expenditures. These figures are a testimony to the growing role of philanthropy in the prevention and treatment of diseases, as well as the discovery of innovative, therapeutic methods.

For over 50 years, Fondation de France and many of its donor-advised funds have stood by the side of researchers.